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What is Frenectomy?

Oral health encompasses a wide range of factors that contribute to your overall well-being. At Los Robles Oral Surgery, nestled in the tranquil surroundings of Los Gatos, CA, we understand the significance of oral harmony in ensuring optimal function and aesthetics. Under the expert guidance of Dr. Roger Lau, our esteemed oral surgeon, we offer labial and lingual frenectomy procedures that address issues related to restricted oral tissues, helping you achieve a balanced and comfortable oral environment.

Labial and lingual frenectomy are surgical procedures designed to correct issues arising from restrictive oral tissues, specifically the frenulum. The frenulum is a fold of tissue that connects the lip to the gums (labial frenulum) or the tongue to the floor of the mouth (lingual frenulum). In certain cases, an overly tight or restrictive frenulum can lead to functional limitations and aesthetic concerns. A frenectomy involves the precise removal or modification of the frenulum to restore proper oral function, improve speech, and enhance oral aesthetics.

At Los Robles Oral Surgery, we recognize the importance of oral harmony in your daily life. Our labial and lingual frenectomy procedures are aimed at ensuring that you experience optimal oral function and comfort.

Why Los Robles Oral Surgery in Los Gatos, CA

Dr. Roger Lau's Expertise: Los Robles Oral Surgery is led by Dr. Roger Lau, a Board Certified Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon with a deep understanding of oral health and facial anatomy. Dr. Lau's expertise guarantees that your labial and lingual frenectomy procedures are conducted with precision and care, ensuring optimal results.

Patient-Centered Care: We prioritize your well-being and satisfaction. Our patient-centered approach means that your concerns and needs are at the forefront of our treatment plans. Labial and lingual frenectomy procedures are designed to address specific issues you may be facing, improving your oral function and aesthetics.

Functional Improvement: An overly tight frenulum can impact various functions, such as speech, eating, and even oral hygiene. Our labial and lingual frenectomy procedures are aimed at improving these functions, allowing you to enjoy a more comfortable and functional oral environment.

Aesthetic Enhancement: Oral aesthetics are closely tied to your overall self-confidence. If a restrictive frenulum is affecting your smile, our procedures can help restore a balanced and aesthetically pleasing appearance, enhancing your confidence in your smile.

Customized Treatment Plans: Your oral health needs are unique. Our team assesses your condition and tailors a treatment plan that specifically addresses your concerns. This ensures that your labial and lingual frenectomy is tailored to your individual needs.

State-of-the-Art Techniques: At Los Robles Oral Surgery, we stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in oral surgery techniques. Our use of advanced tools and methods guarantees that your procedure is conducted with the highest level of precision and safety.

Holistic Approach: We view oral health as a crucial component of your overall well-being. Our labial and lingual frenectomy procedures are just one facet of our commitment to holistic oral care that considers your entire oral environment.

Transparent Communication: We believe in open communication with our patients. Before proceeding with a labial or lingual frenectomy, we will thoroughly explain the procedure, address any questions you have, and provide you with all the information you need to make informed decisions about your care.

Los Robles Oral Surgery, situated in Los Gatos, CA, led by Dr. Roger Lau, is dedicated to providing comprehensive oral care that encompasses all aspects of your well-being. Our labial and lingual frenectomy procedures are a testament to our commitment to functional improvement and aesthetic enhancement. By choosing us, you're selecting a dental practice that combines expertise, compassion, and advanced techniques to provide you with a balanced and comfortable oral environment. Experience the difference that labial and lingual frenectomy procedures can make at Los Robles Oral Surgery.

Frenectomy  in Los Gatos, CA - Los Robles Oral Surgery

Frenectomy in Los Gatos, CA


Frenectomy is a procedure to correct oral issues caused by tight or restrictive tissue attachments, such as tongue-tie or lip-tie, improving oral function and overall comfort.

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